The showpiece of Gujarat, Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR) Smart City reflects India’s vision of a sustainable process of urbanization. One of the key attractions of this megaproject is to development of an artificial river six kilometers long, which would serve to negate the dearth of water and improve the city’s ecological balance. Anything but an engineering wonder, this artificial river is also a testament to the innovative thrust behind Dholera’s development.
The first collaboration of the two entities, Tata with Tesla is looking forward to establishing the first semiconductor manufacturing facility in Dholera, Gujarat, and, in this process, India takes one giant leap closer to becoming the world’s first semiconductor hub. Today, this is India’s landmark moment, readying itself to compete with the world’s competitive semiconductor industry. This partnership would change the Indian technological landscape and boost the economic prospects, given that the world will continue to increase its dependence on semiconductors.
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